How Warm-up & Cool-Down Periods Benefit LP and Staking farms

TokensFarm has added new functions, such as warm-up & cool-down periods for LP and staking farms. This post will discuss the benefits of these new functionalities and what they can offer to token issuers and Web3 projects when deploying an LP or staking farms.
Since the launch of TokensFarm, we’ve provided secure staking and LP farms. Both farms incentivize different actions that can benefit early-stage and established Web3 projects.
Warm-Up & Cool-Down for Staking & LP Farms
Warm-up and cool-down functionalities can be used in both LP and staking farms. These new functionalities can help Web3 projects achieve focused and specific goals with their farms.
The Cool-Down feature is a pre-set waiting period from when the farmer requests a withdrawal of their staked tokens until they can receive them. The withdrawal consists of two actions – activation of the withdrawal and the withdrawal action after the cool-down period end.
The warm-up feature is a pre-set waiting period from when a farmer stakes tokens until they start earning APY. The rewards are automatically added to the farmer’s staked balance once the set number of warm-up days is over. After the set number of warm-up days have passed, the rewards are automatically added to the farmer’s staked balance.
Cool-down periods can help the project avoid farmers selling the token rewards immediately that they have earned via staking. Warm-up periods help projects reduce a token’s circulating supply for longer periods by requiring farmers to wait a specified amount of time before earning rewards.
Both cool-down and warm-up periods are fully customizable by the project that requested the farm. Projects can fine-tune these functionalities to achieve the results they desire. The TokensFarm team can advise Web3 projects on how to reach intended goals and the best uses of these functionalities.
Cool-down and warm-up periods are available on all farms, including perpetual staking farms.
Staking and its Benefits for Farmers and Projects
The use of staking and LP farms can be very advantageous for both Web3 projects and DeFi enthusiasts.
For Web3 projects, having a reduced circulating supply and greater liquidity can greatly boost their performance. Farms are especially advantageous for early-stage projects but can also benefit established crypto projects.
Staking and providing liquidity for a DeFi enthusiast is a great way to earn passive income. Staking allows users to receive rewards for providing staking their crypto assets. This is an important function in the DeFi space, as it helps to ensure the stability of the project and its token price.
Additionally, staking and LP farms can help to increase the value of the token, as the number of stakers and liquidity providers increases, driving up demand for the token. In short, staking and providing liquidity for a DeFi project can be an incredibly rewarding experience, both financially and in terms of contributing to the DeFi space.
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